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school cafeteria full of students sitting at long table with trays of food

Meal Cost

Schools are reimbursed for meals provided to all students. However, parents, staff and all other visitors are required to pay for their meals.

Cafeteria Rules

  • Students are to follow all school rules while in the cafeteria.  
  • Students are always expected to model good behavior.
  • Tea, sodas, sports drinks and energy drinks are not allowed in the cafeteria. Only bottled water, milk, and juice are served from the line.  
  • All electronic devices must be out of sight in the cafeteria. Remove all headgear before entering the cafeteria.  
  • Students will enter the cafeteria from the designated entrance.
  • No cutting into the food line.
  • Horseplay (e.g., shoving, running, shouting, fighting, throwing food) is prohibited.  
  • Each student is expected to clean the area they used.  
  • Each student must remove all trash (e.g., gum, paper) from their tray and dispose of it in the designated trash can.  
  • A student who wants a second serving must wait until everyone has been served once and use the same tray. Note: Sometimes, there will not be enough food items for a second serving.
  • Sponsors of after-school clubs, classes, tutoring or sports must supervise their students during dinner at the cafeteria (if applicable).


USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

National School Lunch/Breakfast Program

May Menus

May Breakfast Menu with what is for breakfast each day in monthly calendar format.

May Lunch Menu with what is for lunch each day in monthly calendar format.

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